07 Dec

With so many helpful tools online to translate content, why do webmasters even bother to use a professional translator? Machines can accurately translate at least 80 % of the content and can deliver results in a split second. Since 2018, I've worked on several translation projects and here are the main factors why people still need a human touch. 

1. Machines do not care about SEO

If you want your website to rank higher in Google search results, generically translating English content is a bad idea. After working on several multilingual sites, I can see the results quite clearly for websites that produce original content in a language, and the ones that simply translate the content word for word. 

The problem is that you are actually plagiarising yourself, and Google will disregard content that is too similar to other content on your website, regardless if it's in a different language or not. 

Subtitle differences in the text matter, like improving the headings and giving the content a different sentence structure. 

2. Machine translation does not care about context

If you use colourful and playful language on your website with several English idioms, this usually gets messed up in machine translations.  

I remember proofreading a machine-translated website where they used the popular English idiom "don't chicken out on me now" in the CTA. This, of course, means that the reader should not hesitate now and buy the product. Instead, they had literally translated it to "don't let the chickens out now" in Norwegian. 

Mistakes like this definitely look strange to a reader, and they will probably have a hard time understanding why they shouldn't let the chickens out while they are buying a hair product online. 

3. Machine translation does not care about readability

Proper grammar and sentence structure is important 

4. You can't localise with machine-translated content

5. Machine translations don't build trust from your audience

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